Hocking Hills 24-70 (full service RV) Posted! With new full resolution (but higher JPG compression) 360 pictures. https://360campviews.com/hocking-hills-state-park/hocking-hills-st…-70-full-service/...
Read MoreSo part of the website updates involve uploading all my 360 shots to my web hosting service. I noticed last week that these shot were being scaled somehow with no interaction on my part. End result – my resolution was being reduced by 50%. After some research it seem that Word Press 5.3+ is doing some automatic scaling on uploads. To top this off there is...
Read More360 Followers! My sincere apologies for not checking in sooner… It has been a crazy year. My custom developed 360 plug in for 360campviews.com was actually rendered useless when my hosting service updated the backend server (automatically). Redeveloping the plug in would have been cost prohibitive. This combined with the increase of my 360 content hosting...
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